11 June 2008

Beach House - Devotion

Devotion (2008, Carpark) Beach House's second studio album. ***1/2

Beach House's rolling organ-esque sounds are thrilling for a while. It's simply beautiful, as the opener "Wedding Bell" portrays. It's a strange, nearly psychedelic disc, complete with Legrand's signature lazy voice (which is a compliment). Probably the most compelling piece is "Heart of Chambers," a rolling song that builds its potential and acts as though it has a peak, but the trick is you only get what you see, with Legrand and Scally never going where you want them. Beach House may have overstayed their welcome on this disc by three or four songs, but by no means is it an experience to be missed. To the right ear, this is a heartbreaking affair. (Wedding Bell, Heart of Chambers)

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